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World Scout Committee

As WOSM’s Board of Directors, the World Scout Committee plays a central role in the organisation’s governance. Each of its 12 voting members will be elected at the 43rd World Scout Conference, and will be responsible for implementing Conference Resolutions and acting on behalf of the Conference between its meetings. The list of candidates nominated by Member Organizations to stand for election as voting members of the World Scout Committee 2024-2027 is available below.

United Arab Emirates

Dr. Salem Al Darmaki


Fatima Aliyeva


Victor Atipagah


Ram Prasad Bhattarai


Celso Thadeu Carneiro de Menezes

Hong Kong

Mori Chi-Kin Cheng


Daniël Corsen


Elise Drouet


Hamza El Hammoumi


Nika Gorovska

United Kingdom

Callum Kaye


Steve Kent


Julius Kramer


Nour Elhouda Mahmoudi


Soumana Ide Issa Maman Lamine


Reese Medina


Martin Meier


Norma Noordin


Mohammad Omar (MO)


Christine “Chrissy” Pollithy


Sarfraz Qamar


Sanda Rasoamahenina

United States of America

Gus Sanchez


Ilse Lorena Vargas Vargas

Cote d'Ivoire

Sahali Marie-Louise Charlotte Ycossie


Maeedh Zahir

Watch the video

Interested in joining the World Scout Committee? Watch our video and be inspired two personal journeys – from young Scout to World Scout Committee member. From Scouting at the national level to sitting on WOSM’s executive body, their stories paved the way for other young leaders.

Upholding the highest standards

WOSM is dedicated to maintaining the highest ethical standards in its electoral processes. The WOSM Code of Conduct for Elections outlines expected behaviours for candidates and their supporters, focusing on embodying Scouting’s spirit, while promoting free and fair elections, and guaranteeing equal opportunities for all candidates. Member Organizations are required to acknowledge the Code of Conduct for Elections and related requirements when filling out the candidate nomination form.

Nomination form

Read WOSM’s Code of Conduct for Elections and complete the training by 1 July 2024

Submit a report on campaign funds before 12 August 2024 

Candidate considerations

Before submitting a nomination, Member Organizations are encouraged to review the following considerations for candidates to the World Scout Committee. These considerations stem from the WOSM Constitution, Conference Rules of Procedure and Conference Resolutions

Youth leadership

The Movement is commitment to sustainable and meaningful youth leadership in decision-making. Member Organizations are encouraged to nominate candidates under the age of 30.

Gender balance

Reflecting the diversity of our global Movement, candidates who are women are encouraged to stand for election.

Number of elected candidates 

Only one voting member per Member Organization can serve on the World Scout Committee. 

Code of Conduct for Elections

Candidates and their supporters must adhere to the highest ethical standards in Scouting leadership outlined in this document and complete the Code of Conduct for Elections training.

Geographical representation

Member Organizations should keep geographical balance in mind in nominating candidates to strengthen the unity of the Movement.

Role description

Learn more about the key responsibilities, tasks, and specifications for candidates.

Membership status

Member Organizations must be in good standing with WOSM for their candidate(s) to appear on the ballot. 

Safe from Harm

Candidates must complete the required Safe from Harm training

Conflict of interest policy 

Elected candidates must consider the interests of the Scout Movement and adhere to standards outlined in this policy.

Training for potential World Scout Committee members

Are you passionate about making a difference in Scouting? This is your opportunity to contribute at the highest level of Scouting governance. Discover what it takes to be a World Scout Committee member and help steer the direction of Scouting worldwide. Interested candidates are encouraged to take part in our comprehensive training programme.
Kick off your learning by registering here (French version)! The mandatory module on the Code of Conduct for Elections (French version) is included in the training –  send your certificate of completion to [email protected] by 1 July 2024.

Induction and first business meeting

All elected members of the World Scout Committee are expected to attend an induction scheduled for 11-13 October 2024. The first full business meeting of the World Scout Committee is scheduled for 22-24 November 2024.