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Side events

Looking to host a side event at the 43rd World Scout Conference? This page provides all the information you need to organise a memorable side event – whether it is an open reception, an invitation-only gathering or a closed meeting.

What is a side event?

A side event is any event held outside the official Conference agenda but within the Conference venue. These events can be hosted by delegations, regions, event bidders, future event hosts, partner organisations, guests or committees. 
Side events offer fantastic opportunities for networking, celebrating achievements, gathering special groups, presenting awards, delivering presentations, and much more. Examples include receptions, luncheons, dinners, meetings and religious ceremonies.
All official side events held in one of the dedicated rooms at the Conference venue (see list below) require advance registration and approval by the World Scout Conference Planning Team.

Available time slots

Side events can be booked during the time slots listed below. Each slot is one hour long and can be combined, depending on availability.

SlotTimeSunday, 18 AugustMonday, 19 AugustTuesday, 20 AugustWednesday, 21 AugustThursday, 22 August
SLOT A – Lunch break13:00 – 14:00(Limited availability)(Limited availability)(Limited availability)(Limited availability)(Limited availability)
SLOT B – Late afternoon 118:00 – 19:00(Not available due to the International Evening)(Available)(Available)(Not available due to the Egypt Evening)(Available)
SLOT C – Late afternoon 219:00 – 20:00(Not available due to the International Evening)(Available)(Available)(Not available due to the Egypt Evening)(Available)
SLOT D – Evening 120:00 – 21:00(Not available due to the International Evening)(Available)(Available)(Not available due to the Egypt Evening)(Available)
SLOT E – Evening 221:00 – 22:00(Not available due to the International Evening)(Available)(Available)(Not available due to the Egypt Evening)(Available)

Room options

Room name Booking feeRoom sizeTheatreClassroomReceptionBanquetU-shapedBlock
(price perhour)
Al Montaza 1USD 200100 m²80 pax56 pax100 pax56 pax35 pax30 pax
Al Montaza 2USD 20080 m²60 pax40 pax80 pax40 pax25 pax20 pax
Al Montaza 3USD 20080 m²60 pax40 pax80 pax40 pax25 pax20 pax
Al Montaza 4USD 20064 m²60 pax40 pax65 pax40 pax25 pax20 pax
Abdeen 1USD 200140 m²100 pax60 pax100 pax60 pax35 pax30 pax
Abdeen 2USD 20090 m²70 pax50 pax70 pax48 pax35 pax30 pax
Abdeen 3USD 200100 m²80 pax50 pax80 pax50 pax35 pax30 pax
Al ManialUSD 20095 m²95 pax55 pax70 pax50 pax30 pax30 pax
MamouniahUSD 200166 m²80 pax63 pax100 pax90 pax30 pax24 pax
Abdeen FoyerUSD 400100 m²n/an/a100 paxn/an/an/a
ShahrazadUSD 500700 m²n/an/a400 pax300 paxn/an/a

The following rooms can also be combined for your convenience and to offer different capacity options:

Room name Booking feeCombined room sizeTheatreClassroomReceptionBanquetU ShapeBlock
(price per hour)
Al Montaza 1+2USD 400180 m²140 pax96 pax180 pax96 pax60 pax50 pax
Al Montaza 3+4USD 400144 m²120 pax80 pax145 pax80 pax50 pax40 pax
Al Montaza 2+3+4USD 600224 m²180 pax120 pax225 pax120 pax75 pax60 pax
Al Montaza 1+2+3+4USD 800324 m²260 pax176 pax325 pax176 pax110 pax90 pax
Abdeen 1+2USD 400230 m²170 pax110 pax170 pax108 pax70 pax60 pax
Abdeen 2+3USD 400190 m²150 pax100 pax150 pax98 pax70 pax60 pax
Abdeen 1+2+3USD 600330 m²250 pax160 pax250 pax158 pax105 pax90 pax

Room setup options:

Room setup optionsDescriptionScheme layout for illustrative purpose
TheatreRows of chairs arranged with participants facing the front of the room.
ClassroomRows of tables and chairs arranged with participants facing the front of the room.
ReceptionSmall cocktail tables arranged throughout the space with participants standing around the room.
BanquetRound tables arranged throughout the room with participants seated around each table. This arrangement is ideal for groups requiring meals to be catered in the same room.
U-shapedChairs arranged in a large “U” with an open space in the middle and participants seated facing the centre of the “U”.
BlockTables arranged in a large square to create a single large table with participants seated around the outside, facing the centre of the block.

Additional services


Food and beverage services for your side event can be requested through catering. Download the menu here to find the full list of options.

Additional equipment

Additional equipment can be provided for your side event, such as audiovisual systems, furniture, and stationery items. Please inform us of your specific needs, and we will do our best to offer the appropriate support.


If your event is open to general attendance from any Conference participant, let us know and we will be happy to promote it with the Conference side agenda. This can help you to reach for a larger audience and boost engagement for your side event.

Booking a side event

Ready to book your side event?
Click on the button below to get started!
The deadline for booking a side event is 4 August 2024.
To accommodate the many side events happening at the Conference, please provide three preferred slots in case of double bookings. All booking requests will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
Booking requests are subject to confirmation of availability for your preferred date and time. Once confirmed, the host team will contact you with practical and logistical information, as well as payment details.
If you have any questions regarding side events, please send an email to: [email protected].