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Solidarity fund

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Initiative

The Ahlan Wa Sahlan Initiative is a solidarity fund that will enable greater participation among National Scout Organizations (NSOs) with limited financial resources to attend the 43rd World Scout Conference.

Generously put in place by our Host, the Egyptian Scout Federation, the fund’s name comes from the Arabic phrase Ahlan Wa Sahlan, meaning “welcome”. It aims to support the participation of up to 50 NSOs from category A and B to the Conference and, through it, strengthen gender diversity and youth participation to the event.


Only NSOs from category A and B that do not have the resources to participate in person to the Conference can nominate one individual.

The NSO must be in good standing with WOSM. This includes being up-to-date with its current year WOSM registration fee payment and other membership requirements.


Individuals seeking to benefit from the solidarity fund must be:

    • Nominated by their NSO’s International Commissioner or Official Key Contact, as registered in the World Scouting Directory.
    • Under the age of 30 at the start of the Conference (born after 17 August 1994)
    • Registered as a delegate. If the individual is the only person taking part in-person, they will be the Head of Delegation.
    • Compliant with all requirements for individuals to participate in the event (see Conference Terms & Conditions), including Safe from Harm.

NSOs are strongly encouraged to nominate women.

Delegates sponsored by the solidarity fund and their NSOs are responsible for: 


Following an assessment of the applications, 50 individuals will be granted either a full or partial sponsorship.

Sponsorship type What is covered
Full sponsorship
• Air fares (and airport taxes and ticketing costs where applicable)
• Event participation fee
• Visa costs
• Travel insurance
• Shared hotel room during the event
Partial sponsorship
• Event participation fee
• Shared hotel room during the event

What is covered:

• Air fares (and airport taxes and ticketing costs where applicable) 
• Event participation fee 
• Visa costs  
• Travel insurance 

• Shared hotel room during the event


What is covered:

• Event participation fee 

• Shared hotel room during the event


NSOs commitments:

• Select, prepare, and support their participants based on the criteria and requirements above. 
• Ensure that the participants make a report of their experiences after the event. 
• Ensure that the participants share their experiences as widely as possible after the event. 
• Understand that participants who fail to comply with the Conference rules and expectations, do not participate fully in the event, or do not complete the reporting requirements may damage future funding possibilities for their NSO.

Selected delegates commitments:

• Participate in the NSO’s preparations for the event. 
• Actively participate in Conference activities. 
• Contribute to the intergenerational dialogue session at the Conference. 
• Report back to their NSO about their experiences at the event
• Submit a testimonial and details of their participation to WOSM/Host.

Step 1

Each NSO from Category A and B can nominate one beneficiary by completing this form before the deadline on 17 June 2024. The form must be submitted by the International Commissioner and/or Official NSO Contact.

Step 2

All applications will be assessed by the World Scout Bureau Regional Support Centres and take into consideration the financial restraints experienced by the NSO, the compliance of the NSO with WOSM membership requirements, and any involvement with past solidarity funds.

Step 3

NSOs that have applied will be informed of the selection process result.

NSO contributions to the solidarity fund

NSOs able to contribute financially to the solidarity fund are very welcome to do so. This will enable the World Scout Bureau and the Host to broaden the fund’s scope and number of beneficiaries, ensuring a more diverse Conference representing the World Scout Movement.
  • NSOs willing to contribute can connect with the World Scout Bureau by emailing [email protected] to discuss further details. We encourage interested NSOs to indicate their intent to contribute to the fund by 17 June 2024 to facilitate the planning process.
  • All contributions will be added into the overall solidarity fund and recognised in the official Conference report.
  • NSOs who are bidding for an Event or having a candidate standing for election will not be able to earmark their contribution in any way.
  • Other NSOs are, to a reasonable extent, able to add earmarking to their contribution (e.g. a Region or subregion). Earmarking for one specific country or individual is not accepted.
  • Contributing NSOs are never involved in assessing the individual solidarity fund applications. This remains solely within the authority of the World Scout Bureau.